“Onye Ababanna,” a famous and amazing Nigerian highlife artist, has launched its latest song titled “Twinkle Little Star.”
Perhaps neglected to mention that this lyrical rhyme tagged “Twinkle Little Star” was first published as “Tinkle Little Star” 4 years ago and yet no one took it seriously till today. Ababa Nna could not anticipate this success, since he is going to encounter stardom.
In the song, Ababa Nna imitates popular Nursery School rhymes, putting forth his own poetic mood and
transforming it into his own rendition. “Twinkle Little Star” is an extremely fun song and graphics that are already making the went viral on social media, mostly TikTok.
Aside from that, if you listen to music, chances are you have the most current fantastic hit song on your iPod.
Simply download the songs listed below as soon as possible and share your discoveries with your friends.
Quotable Lyrics:
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
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